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Paragliding Training Courses

Learn to fly a paraglider on your own and earn your paragliding license
To fly a paraglider is easy, if you have good instruction. Paragliding is a fun and beautiful sport that can be done all over the world. Some humans dream of flying, some fly, it is easier to fly than you might think. 
Sky Safari Adventures offers a 7 to 12-day paragliding course in the general Cape Town region. Over the training days you will learn everything you need to know to fly a paraglider safely on your own while earning a paragliding license on completion of the course. 
What to expect:
The course runs over 7 to 12 flyable days in the general Cape Town area. You will start off with a 2-day introduction to paragliding course where you will learn about the equipment used for paragliding. In the first ground training lesson you will learn how to kite the paraglider on flat ground and how to control the paraglider above your head while walking around, this will prepare you for your first take off. 
Throughout the course you will be doing 35 flights of which up to 5 might be on a tandem with your instructor. All solo flight instruction is done using 2-way radio instruction with your instructor on the mountain or hill while you are flying. Theory is a big part of paragliding, and you will also be attending a 4-hour theory class which will prepare you for the theory exam. In the theory class you will learn about Weather, Principles of flight and Aerodynamics, Air law, Safety and much more. Sky Safari paragliding school’s Chief Flight Instructor, who is an ex-schoolteacher, will make sure you can not only fly a paraglider safely but also understand the theory needed to fly safely.
Sites we might fly at during the course: Langebaan, Hermanus, Sir Lowries pass, Du Toits Kloof, Betty’s bay, Porterville, Piketberg, Pikenierskloof pass and Franschoek. 

Minimum license requirements: 
• Minimum of 35 flights of at least 60 second duration each, of which at least 20 
flights must be of higher than 100m height difference.
• One flight of more than 20 minutes duration
• At least two flights of at least 10 minutes each in thermic conditions 
(Consecutive 360s in rising air)
• Flights in ridge lift sharing the ridge with other pilots (ridge 
• Demonstrate good unassisted forward take-offs in wind 
strengths of 0-10 kph.
• Good reverse pull-up and take off technique with cross brake method (at least 
3 flights)
• Straight line flights demonstrating good flying technique

• A flight demonstrating S turns or figure 8s
• 180 degree turns, left and right (separate flights permitted) 
• 360 degree turns, left and right (separate flights permitted)
• Demonstration of flight and landing with back risers
• Demonstration of flight with Big Ears
• Demonstration of landing accuracy 3 out of 3 attempts in 50m diameter circle
• Demonstrate good layout, daily inspection and pre-flight checks (5 point 
• Demonstrate good unassisted pull-ups/inflations and ground control
• Hold canopy inflated directly overhead in sufficient wind
• Total of at least 4 hours air time
• Have flown at least 2 different sites (1 x winch site, 1 x mountain site for winch 
trained pilots)
• Be familiar with and able to demonstrate the parachute landing roll technique
• Have done the course over not less than 7 days continuous training, or 9 days 
intermittent training days
• Pass the Basic License written test

Included equipment, transport to flying sites from Cape Town, Student license, paragliding instruction, training manual. Sahpa license registration after course is not included (+- R2000)

Paragliding License Course

R25 500,00Price
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    Sky Safari Adventures is a registered paragliding school under SAHPA and the CAA.

    Declared Training Organisation NO: SACAA/0038/DTO

    1 Signal Hill Rd, Signal Hill, Cape Town, 8001

    +27 72 252 1678

    Sky Paragliders South Africa

    Sky Safari is the South African distributor for Sky Paragliders.

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